Crispy Fried Fish Recipe and Savory

Resep Ikan Goreng Renyah dan GurihCrispy fried fish recipe. Today we again present the latest khsusunya thing about recipes for mothers and young women are confused ssedang to prepare special dishes. Still talk about the fish dishes, this time actually leads to about tips or how to present the results to fry fish nejadi more crunchy and savory with just enough seasoning simple but the result is like a special at the restaurant famous.
Crispy Fried Fish Recipe

Seasoned crispy fried fish is not much different from a simple seasoning of fried fish, but this time we add a little spice to the result to be more crisp and savory. Can be used to fish carp, tilapia, bloating and so forth. No need to check how much longer yuk make crispy fried fish and savory


     1 whole tilapia
     1 lime fruit
     1 tablespoon vinegar to eat
     Cooking oil to taste

Crispy fried fish seasoning:

     5 spring onions
     4 pieces of garlic
     1 tablespoon coriander
     2 ½ knuckles turmeric
     1 candlenut
     Ginger ½ knuckles
     salt to taste


     Tomato sauce or chili paste

How to Make Crispy Fried Fish

     Make sure the fish is clean of scales, gills and entrails, finely slice 3 lines on the outer side
     Furthermore coat evenly over the fish using lime juice plus vinegar, set aside.
     Prepare spices, wash again then coat the fish with spices, let stand for 30 minutes to marinade really permeated.
     Prepare oil for frying, the fish then fried until crisp and golden or cook
     Ready to serve.

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