- Did you know the corkscrew was invented in 1890
- Did you know Albert Einstein never knew how to drive a car
- Did you know after you�ve eaten it takes approximately 12 hours for food to entirely digest
- Did you know the human eye blinks over 4,200,000 times a year
- Did you know the little hole in some sinks that lets the water drain out instead of flowing is called a 'porcelator'
- Did you know the original name of Bank of America was Bank of Italy
- Did you know the winter of 1932 was so cold that Niagara Falls froze over completely
- Did you know there are 2 credit cards for every person in the US
- Did you know 40% of Amsterdam commuters get to work by bicycle
- Did you know $30 of raw popcorn translates into $3,000 in sales at movie theaters
- Did you know a person produces enough saliva to fill 2 average size swimming pools during their lifetime
- Did you know the average person sheds .7kg (1.5 pounds) of skin each year
- Did you know the average woman will consume over 2.7kg (6 pounds) of lipstick in their lifetime
- Did you know the human body creates 2,500,000 new red blood cells every second
- Did you know a soap bubble is 10,000 times thinner than the average human hair
- Did you know all snakes are carnivorous
- Did you know the tentacles of the giant arctic jellyfish can reach 36.6 meters (120 feet)
- Did you know the only letter which doesn't appear in the Periodic Table is j
- Did you know October the 10th is national metric day
- Did you know the typewriter was invented in 1829
- Did you know the dishwasher was invented in 1889
- Did you know the wristwatch was invented in 1904
- Did you know diamonds are the hardest substance known to man
- Did you know when hydrogen burns in the air water is formed
- Did you know due to gravitational effects you weigh is slightly less when the moon is directly overhead
- Did you know If you could drive to the sun at a speed of 88.5 km/h (55 mp/h) it would take around 193 years
- Did you know hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe (75%)
- Did you know the moon is 27% the size of the Earth
- Did you know the center of the Sun is approximately 15 million �C (27 million �F)
- Did you know sun light can penetrate clean ocean water up to a depth of 73m (240 feet)
- Did you know cheetahs can accelerate from 0 to 70 km/h (43mp/h) in 3 seconds
- Did you know an
astronaut can be up to 2 inches taller returning from space (the
cartilage disks in the spine expand in the absence of gravity)
- Did you know the oldest cockroach fossils are over 280 million years old
- Did you know there are over 97,000 km (60,000 miles) of blood vessels in the average person
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