bagaimana cara nulis artikel dapat uang????

Tentang Shvoong

‘Shvoong’ adalah pusat ringkasan tingkat dunia, menawarkan banyak ragam ringkasan dalam 34 bahasa. Tujuan kami adalah meringkas semua yang pernah ditulis sepanjang sejarah manusia dalam bidang sastra dan riset sains, sehingga memberi Anda intisari pengetahuan manusia. Semua ringkasan tersebut ditulis oleh pengguna kami, warga dunia yang tidak hanya menularkan pengetahuan mereka kepada semua orang, tapi juga memperoleh royalti dari kerja mereka. Situs ini bukan bermaksud mengganti hal yang sebenarnya-buku maupun hasil kajian -dengan ringkasan, namun berfungsi sebagai sarana yang membantu Anda berenang di lautan informasi, memisahkan sekam dari biji padi
Mari, baca dan nikmati! Dan dalam waktu yang sama, Mari, tulis dan dapatkan penghasilan!.

click here to sign up

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About Shvoong

'Shvoong' is a summary of the level of the center of the world, offering a wide variety of summaries in 34 languages​​. Our goal is to summarize all that is ever written in human history research in the field of literature and science, so that gives you the essence of human knowledge. All summaries are written by our users, citizens of the world that not only transmit their knowledge to everyone, but also derives royalties from their work. This site is not intended to replace the real thing-the book and the review-with a summary, but serves as a tool that helps you swim in a sea of ​​information, separating the chaff from the grain

Come, see and enjoy! And in the same time, Mari, write and earn!.

click here to sign up

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How will we get paid?
We will start by using Paypal, Payza, and check. We may add more as time goes on.
Where are the emails to read?
They will be sent to you based on the email address that you used when you signed up. They will also be available in your member's area as well. Be sure to click the confirmation link or you will not receive credit.
Can my family/friends sign up using the same IP address that I did?
No. We have a very strict policy of only one IP address per member. If we allowed multiple sign ups, we would be inundated with fraudsters who would generate numerous accounts to earn through referrals.
How can I make money?
There are a few ways that you can do that. The obvious way is by reading emails and earning money from that. But you can also earn a lot more by referring others. Go to your member's area for more information. And there is also Revenue Sharing, Retirement Pool, and bonuses for referrers!
Are you really going to pay us?
Most definitely! If we did not, we would be out of business within a few weeks. We plan on growing and being around to pay many members their Retirement Funds for years to come.
I do not understand. Can you help me?
Our program has been simplified as much as possible. Please take your time and read EVERYTHING. Since there is a huge response to our program, we just do not have the time to help everyone individually.
What happens if I am caught trying to cheat your system?
You will lose your account and all funds in it. Before we pay out, we will check your account carefully to be sure that you did not stack fake accounts, so please do not even try that. All honest members will have no problem getting paid. All dishonest members will just waste their time.
How do I get the 10 E-books and then the 10 software programs that are promised?
You will get 10 E-books for your first referral. Just go to your stats page (in your member's account) and you will see a link there after you get your first referral. The same applies for the software programs. You can claim those after you get 3 referrals.
There is a referral who joined but I was not credited. Why?
There can be many reasons for this. The usual cause is that you did not use your affiliate url which is in your personal member's area. Or, you could have used your url but that person changed it by accident. Or, the person did sign up but has since cancelled or was suspended. If you feel that you have a valid claim, then have the referral (not you) contact us and request that we change them over to you as sponsor.



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Manfaatkan iklan dari untuk mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan dari situs Anda. Situs Anda akan kami lengkapi dengan link iklan teks dengan system bayar per unique klik. Anda akan mendapatkan penghasilan Rp. 100,- apabila ada yang melakukan klik terhadap iklan kami di situs Anda.
pembayaran dilakukan dengan mengirim pulsa minimal payout 5000 rupiah
sign up nowww / daftar sekarang

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Pemilik web adalah penyedia ruang pada website yang memungkinkan advertiser memasang link iklannya. Anda berpeluang mendapatkan penghasilan tambahan dengan memasang link iklan pada Advertiser yang tergabung di AdsenseCamp. Dengan bergabung di AdsenseCamp website Anda akan kami lengkapi dengan engine periklanan berbasis teks yang kami berikan berupa code dengan sistem bayar per unik klik (pay per unique click), yang berarti Anda akan mendapatkan bayaran apabila ada yang melakukan klik pada iklan di website Anda. Pemilik web dapat memantau jumlah pageviews dan klik yang telah dihasilkan pada webnya. Cara Menerbitkan Iklan

  1. Silakan lakukan pendaftaran terlebih dahulu dengan mengisikan data diri Anda. 

  1. Lakukan konfirmasi pendaftaran pada email yang kami kirimkan.

  2. Login ke dengan menggunakan username dan password Anda.

  3. Tambahkan website Anda, tekan submit dan tunggu konfirmasi.

  4. Ambil code script iklan AdsenseCamp untuk website Anda, pasang pada web Anda.

  5. Silakan buka website Anda, apabila konfigurasi telah dilakukan dengan benar, maka iklan kami akan langsung terlihat pada website Anda.


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How Much Money Can You Make With Chitika Ads?

How much money can you make serving Chitika ads on your site? Pretty much none. Seriously, Chitika has to be one of the worst major ad platforms for publishers out there in terms of payouts. In point, you run their ads, send traffic to their clients, and you receive pennies — literally — in return.

What is Chitika?

Chitika is a search-targeted advertising network that mainly works around a pay per click system. They are one of the biggest and most popular ad serving networks out there, and have even had big names in blogging like Darren Rowse promoting their service.

My experience serving Chitika ads

I’ve used Chitika ads at various points over the past three years, and I know that if they are well placed they do generate a respectable click through rate (percentage of ad impressions that lead to clicks). The problem with Chitika is that they pay their publishers ridiculously low rates. I’ve found that I make roughly 1.4 cents per click on average, which is more than 30 times lower than what I make with other pay per click advertising networks. In point, I’ve found that Chitika ads are not worth losing visitors to.
Chitika-Logo_320x245There are three levels of publishers in the Chitika network: gold, silver, and bronze. Gold tier publishers get a higher PPC payout than silver, and silver gets paid more than bronze. I was in the silver level throughout my time in the program. I applied for admittance into the gold tier but never heard anything back from Chitika about it, and eventually I gave up waiting. To gauge the traffic ballpark I play in, my main site brings in over 80,000 visitors per month and my network over 90,000.
Below is a table which shows my stats for the final week I ran Chitika ads on and across the Vagabond Network:
Date Impressions Clicks CTR eCPM Revenue
Total 34,871 98 0.28% $0.04 $1.30
Dec 30, 2012 4,706 12 0.26% $0.04 $0.17
Dec 29, 2012 4,715 15 0.32% $0.04 $0.20
Dec 28, 2012 4,820 12 0.25% $0.04 $0.18
Dec 27, 2012 4,800 12 0.25% $0.03 $0.15
Dec 26, 2012 4,163 5 0.12% $0.02 $0.07
Dec 25, 2012 3,929 15 0.38% $0.05 $0.19
Dec 24, 2012 4,041 15 0.37% $0.05 $0.19
Dec 23, 2012 3,697 12 0.32% $0.04 $0.16
As you can see above, I was sending away over 90 clicks per week to Chitika’s clients for pretty much no money at all. 98 clicks for $1.30 = a horrible advertising program.
I then became curious how many clicks and traffic I would need to generate in order to make a respectable amount of money with Chitika, and the results were laughable.
Using the stats above as a basis, in order to make a measly $100 with Chitika I would need to generate 7,140 clicks. How much traffic would be needed for this amount of clicks? Using the click through rate above, I would need to show Chitika ads 2,540,200 times for a hundred bucks. This pretty much means that if I ran these ads on all of the pages of the Vagabond Network for an entire year I would make roughly $150.
These are insanely low payouts in a market where respectable ad networks pay between 30 and 70 cents per click. To put it simply, 1.4 cents isn’t worth having a visitor leave my site. Chitika ads have now been removed from the Vagabond Network. Our advice is to stay away from this under performing advertising platform.


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Refer People And Make Money

Earn $20.00 for each new active user you bring!

Here's your referral link. Put this in your blog, website, or newsletter.
Refer a new publisher or a new advertisers, and earn $20.00 for every new active user you refer (with minimum purchase of $50.00)

Earn money from your website/blog. Get paid through PayPal

4 Steps To Make Money With Your Blogs

Just sign up, install the Ad widget and collect the money after the Ad is displayed.

  1. Go to to sign up your account.

  2. Type in your website information. Make sure that you fill in detailed description because the advertisers are using the description to determine whether they want to put ad in your web site.

  3. Follow the instruction and install the Ad widget into your blog.

  4. Ad2link's Text Link Ads will show up in your website. Your website will also show up in our market place. After advertisers buy the ad from your website, you will receive the money in your Paypal account (after 30 days).

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About waoIndia

waoIndia is an incentive based advertising community where the members will receive $0.10 for every ad they view for 30 seconds and also receive a percentage of what all their direct referrals earn. You can do the same now.
Advertisers need visitors and they are willing to pay you for it. Signing up is free and only takes seconds.

You don't need any skills!!

With waoIndia you don't need any skills. This is because all you need to do is visit the sites we provide you with.

How Much Can I Earn?

If you click 10 ads a day, you refer 100 members who click 10 ads a day, you could earn up to $3,500 yearly.
There is no limit in the amount of websites you visit or referrals that you obtain. With more referrals or ads the earning potential is endless. More about: More Info

Earn Money in Just 3 Easy Steps

You want to earn money in seconds with waoIndia?? Then View, Click, and GET PAID!!


waoIndia is a new innovative, international and FREE English based service that allows advertisers to reach thousands of potential customers by displaying their ad on our "View Ads" page..


You view websites for a few seconds, via the "View Ads" page. Once the few seconds is up, you'll either get a green tick sign or a red 'X'. The green tick sign means you've earned money for the visit and the 'X' means you have not earned money for the visit

Get Paid

If you have the minimum amount accumulated, you can click on your account balance within your stats area and it will submit your request.


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get Paid per click
Publish our FREE web banners on your website or blog. Get paid for every visitor that clicks through to our website. We pay 10 cents per click per visitor. 
$ 0.10
per click per visitor


  • It's FREE to join.
  • Make money off your existing website or blog.
  • Get paid per click per visitor.
  • Free web banners for your website or blog.
  • Comprehensive dashboard.
  • Weekly reports sent by email.

3 ways to earn! 

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